Attack the Attack
Christophe Balaresque

This is a book about the power of human relationships in the world of work.
About the energy and power of a smile.
About the impact of the death of a child.
About determination through the practice of martial arts.
About the impact of an international career.
About the life of a man who talks about his emotions simply and straightforwardly.


The writing begins one morning before sunrise.
London's renowned design studio - North - creates a space in time for the reader, through the design of the pages and sentences. Graphic choices are made. The content takes shape.


I've already read the whole thing, so
I was too curious, I'm not very good at describing what I've read or felt. It's very raw and authentic. I like that. The object is superb. The texture on the cover, the paper and the layout all speak to me. My family loves books. I'm going to digest what I've read, and maybe I'll have some questions the next time I see you.
Alexandre K.


LES Ateliers-A, a member of the Grands Ateliers de France, produces and magnifies books through meticulous, precise printing and binding.
The 100% recycled paper provides a tactile sensation through its feel, texture and color. He knows how to work beautiful paper. The book becomes an object.


More than 1500 readers, read in 20 countries, awarded by La Nuit du Livre 2022

Christophe Balaresque and Thierry Denis in Ateliers-A


→ Irreplaceable notebook